What can be done about the young people growing up today?

What can be done about the young people growing up today?

It is absolutely unbelievable to me how impaired young people are today. Political correctness gone wild … I am so tired of being called a racist, homophobic, Nazi, Elitist! I am not any of those things. But, I do say my truth. It may be different than someone else?s truth because of their background or indoctrination!
The fact that our colleges and universities have become so expensive and yet they are turning kids against their grandparents is shocking!! One of my favorite grandsons is refusing to talk to me right now, because of my views. Specifically, I said in my blog that I agreed with Meagan Kelly that *blackface* as a costume is harmless and no insult to blacks. And I believe that!
Now in my 70s I have more and more friends who are black. I consider them a blessing in my life. And yet, I am frequently called “racist”. Go figure!?  When I was young and knew no one except casual servers who were black, then it was probably true. If you want to end racism, you need to get people together. Keeping them separate does not do it. And yet, there is a black history month, and black students Union at some schools. It is true that sometimes it is easier to be with people who are exactly like you, but no one is.


I don’t have an appropriate photo, so here is my dog, Magnus. He has manners and civility, both.

Today I went to a luncheon where most people disliked the President of the United States. That is allowed, in this country. No one will arrest them for their views. But, one man said something that has really made me think. Someone asked “What ever happened to civility and manners?” And He said “That was before they began to calling manners and civility ‘Political Correctness’ and mocking them.”

This surprised me. I NEVER think of manners as being politically correct. Manners are simply manners. But, it is true that Political Correctness stops conversation. It is true that it shames people, on purpose. To me Political Correctness is the thing that keeps us from being able to speak truthfully about anything that might be called a stereotype. Where do you think Stereotypes come from? It comes from things being lumped together, rightly or wrongly.

Stereotype threat describes the experience of being at risk of confirming, as self-characteristic, a negative stereotype of ones group (Steel & Aronson, 1995).
I had never heard of Stereotype threat until I began writing this blog. It is a perfect example of the nonsense we are told daily. I “get it” but I do not agree that forcing people to avoid any possible chance of running into a stereotype is helping them. People simply must “get a grip”.
I want to be free to say what I believe without being traumatized by the threat of breaking some code of political correctness. I have no intention of using bad manners. There is no reason for anything but civility. So I do not understand that man’s saying that those who “mock” Political Correctness (that would be me) are contributing to a lack of manners or civility.

My contention is that we need a lot more of both of those things. Manners are not taught to children like they once were. And Civil disobedience is encouraged on school campuses. No wonder we are living in a time when both are lacking.

A friend wrote about the young today:

“They need a taste of reality. For our parents, it was a World War, for us it was Viet Nam. These kids have seen no suffering. They have been been indulged, have no manners, and are incapable of serious logical thinking. “
I agree with him.

Copyright 2018 Bonnie B. Matheson

One thought on “What can be done about the young people growing up today?

  1. I believe that being political correct is necessary in our lives. To me, being political correct is the same as being sensitive to others? feelings, the same as being polite or kind. It?s diplomacy. Being politically correct is never using the N word. I suppose there are more complicated situations ehen being politically forrect is difficult to achieve, but I feel it must.

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